Collection Consultancy Australia

Protect Your Business When You Terminate An Employee with Strong Employment Agreements & Contracts

Setting the Rules For The Future Protection Of Your Business (2024)

With so much support in the market designed to protect the disgruntled employees who decide it’s easy to take the Small to Medium-sized business operator to court claiming unfair dismissal, it’s now time to Protect Your Business by setting up your employee Rules for the Future.

Some of the Key Points we will be discussing

  • Employment Outline
  • Conducting Performance Reviews
  • Remuneration
  • Annual Leave Entitlements
  • Termination
  • Workplace Policies
  • Confidential Information
  • Intellectual Property
  • Training

Areas of Risk - Quick Overview

Key Processes to Consider

Employment Outline

Outlines the Employees basic conditions including their direct report, client/customer relationships, business secrets, profits or benefits and basic trade secrets and intellectual property.

Conducting Performance Reviews

Essentially outlines the fact that the employee will be subject to performance reviews, who will conduct them, when they will be conducted and how often they will be conducted.


Remuneration covers areas such as when and how often the employee will be paid. Where the employee will be paid and by whom. When their review will take place moving forward and covers other areas such as Redundancy.

Annual Leave

Annual leave clauses outline the appropriate Act applicable to the employee, who can authorise annual leave, depending on the industry, the time of year available for annual leave, the process of applying etc.


Always an important clause termination sets out the conditions of immediate termination, termination without notice, and conditions which may be applicable including sickness, accident, incapacity, wilful neglect or direction from the manager or director. It also sets out the conditions of termination with notice or by the employee including the appropriate notice periods etc.

Workplace Policies

Workplace Policies are an important part of establishing the rules an employee must adhere to. This includes such policies as email, mobile phone, internet, computer, professional conduct etc. Workplace Policy clauses gives the management the right to vary or amend such policies from time to time.

Confidential Information

Disclosure of confidential information can have a devastating effect on any business and keeping such information confidential both whilst an employee is engaged by the business, and more importantly, after an employee has left a business is paramount. Confidentially clauses set out the rules by which an employee must abide both during and after being employed by a business.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is an important clause especially if any employees are involved in product development, and outlines that not only does any existing Intellectual Property remain the ownership of the Employer, but that also that newly developed Intellectual property stays with the employer.  This includes any Intellectual Property created, developed, expanded, added to, or modified in any way by the Employee.


A training clause outlines any training provided by, or required by, the Employer, of the employee in the conduct of their duties.