Collection Consultancy Australia

Person to Person Loan Agreements FAQ's

A Person-to-Person Loan Agreement is a simple Loan Agreement between two parties.
Person-to-Person Loan Agreements are used to formalise Person-to-Person Loan Agreements to help avoid defaults and disputes between parties that generally know each other.
Part of our Person-to-Person Loan Agreement Package is our Loan Management Dashboard which gives you complete access to your loan agreement on an ongoing basis.
There is no set interest rate associated with our Person-to-Person Agreements with the interest rate being agreed upon by both parties.
The loan period can be negotiated between the lender and the borrower but is generally set for a defined period of less than 7 years.
Yes, the loan repayment amount varies depending on the interest rate, loan period and duration of the loan.
Yes, the establishment fees can be incorporated into the loan itself and included into the monthly repayments over the period of the loan.
Yes, an end-of-loan balloon payment can be inbuilt into your loan agreement which can be used to lower the monthly repayment.
Yes, the loan can be renegotiated through our Loan Management Dashboard.
Yes, the loan can be cancelled or forgiven at any stage throughout the loan term through the Loan Management Dashboard.
Yes, when setting up the loan the borrower’s bank details can be included, and an automatic direct debit set up.
Yes, a standard feature of our Loan Management Dashboard is an automatic notification of any defaults in payment.

Any Questions?

You are welcome to email us any questions – or call to speak to a consultant.