Collection Consultancy Australia

Debt Collection - FAQ's

No, You can submit debts as and when required.
CCA work on a No Collection No Fee bases.

We only charge 15% on whatever we collect on behalf of our clients.
No, you can simply load your debts online.
We normally need 24 to 48 hours to investigate a debt before starting our collection process.
You will receive an automatic email with the results of our investigation process just prior to the beginning of our collection process.
Generally, we recommend lodging a debt when it is 30 days overdue. Especially if you have contacted the debtor 2 or 3 times asking for payment over those 30 days.
No, however it is worth noting that a debtor’s credit file can’t be marked for debts under $150.
Generally, our debt collection lasts between 30 to 45 days
We supply our clients with a report based on the outcome of our collection process with our recommendations on any possible next steps.

Under Australian Legislation, a business is required to have notified their clients prior to engaging their service, that if an external collection company needs to be engaged to collect their outstanding accounts, that any collection costs will be onforwarded to their business.

These conditions are normally included in a business’s Terms and Conditions.

This doesn’t mean that outstanding accounts can’t be collected if a business doesn’t have this clause included in their Terms and Conditions, it just means a business can’t on-charge their collection costs. 

Under Australian Legislation a business is required to have notified their clients prior to engaging their service, that as a result of not meeting their financial obligation, their credit file may be marked negating their ability to borrow money in the future.

Again, these conditions are normally included in a business’s Terms and Conditions.

Unfortunately, without the appropriate legislation included in a business’s Terms and Conditions it is illegal to “Mark A Debtor Credit File”. 

In order to be able to write off any outstanding accounts as uncollectable, the Australian Tax Office requires that a business demonstrates that they have actually attempted to have the outstanding debt collected. This is part of the reason we supply a collection report at the end of our collection process if an account remains uncollected.   

 These conditions are normally included in a business’s Terms and Conditions.

 This doesn’t mean that outstanding accounts can’t be collected if a business doesn’t have this clause included in their Terms and Conditions, it just means a business can’t on-charge their collection costs.  

Any Questions?

You are welcome to email us any questions – or call to speak to a consultant.