Collection Consultancy Australia

PPSA Personal Property Securities Register –
Protect Your Business from Client Liquidations with the PPSR (2024)


Today we are going to discuss how use the PPSA and Personal Property Securities Register to save your business 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of dollars when one or more of your clients goes into administration or files for liquidation.

It is without a doubt the biggest change in legislation in the last 25 years that very few business owners are aware but has the potential to cost you everything.

I’m not exaggerating when I say, the next few minutes could be the difference between the success and failure of many businesses in Australia. Every business owner needs to know this information.

So today we are going to discuss,

  • What the Legislation is this legislation and how it works,
  • What the changes in legislation mean for your business,
  • How you can protect your business for less than $1 / year, fulltext